Memories are endless and regrets are almost equal to zero. People from all over the world come to Brazil to experience not only the best MardiGras on earth but the most (non)memorable. For me I was part of the action in a different way, I "desfile" (marched in a parade)which includes but not limited to dancing, parading around in a costume, sweating your butt off, and having an intense tons of fun. This happened in the official Sambodromo with "fantasias" and the whole shebang.
After my ridiculously tiring night dancing in a huge parade, that doesn't have a real way to described it occured to me that Brasil has really commercialized Carnaval in a absurd way.
All in all the experience is one that I will never forget. The sound of the drums will forever be engraved in my musical memory..."el batuque faz la vila magdalenda..." Yes.
After dancing in my fat costume I preceded to hitch a ride to a little town called
São Luís do Paraitinga. The logo says "Destino Aventura," but the truth is the main adventure lies within the streets during Carnaval. Which is aided by different types of drinks. Need I say more?
Sao Luis has the traditional street Carnaval, not like in a Sambodoromo so all kinds of people mix. But a person can only take so much of a Carnaval.
Soon after, my bus (GOSTOSO & DELICIA de bus) headed to Rio. Yes Rio de Janeiro. Relaxation was in need after a mind/Carnaval whirlwind had raped my mind. There are no regrets just mainly new interesting ideas on what life is or could be in Brasil.
WOW!!! It sounds like something out of a dream, I'm glad you're having a great time down there. I have to do the Carnival thing someday, maybe even dance in one of those big costumes :).