this is me..!

Monday, January 19, 2009


So how can i describe a samboromo?
It is hot just because it is Brazil.

Sweat (yours and other peoples) on your body. Which is alright until you really think about it, but by that time you don't care cus you just took a shower in your own sweat.

Joyful, doesn't matter who you are the people who work there are just there to have fun. Dancers, gays, tranis, old people, young people, kids not joke. If you wanna see all different types of people and dance from 8-10 straight this is the place for you.

Incessantly repetitive is two words that define an experience there. Basically Carnaval is huge competition and there are I think 6 main schools that compete. So before carnaval the schools need to practice. They open up their school to the public for a small fee in order to pay for the expenses of creative costumes.In the Sambodromo you dance until you can't dance anymore and then you dance some more.

FUN!Contrary to what Anthony Bordain might say, Samboromo is a key essence in the Brazilian culture.


for more pictures:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

HURRAY for comunity projects!

So most of Brazil is really poor, and many Paulistas (people from Sao Paulo)commute to the center of the city because most work there. So due to they daily migration into the city many kids go to school on either their way to work or from. Oh, people here start working at the age of 12ish. Due to schools being funded by the government they are really run down. So in one school people started a project with what they knew best! SAMBA!!!

This Project is a sort of therapy for the community. People of all classes attend this magic. It doesn't matter if you live in the favela or in Vila Magdalena it is for all types of people.

If you are visiting Sao Paulo and really wanna know how Paulistas get down, go there.
The name of the project is MARACATU. The mixture of African dance with a twist of Brazilianess and the beating of every drum is something that moves your soul or perhaps something deeper.

Every Saturday there is a must. The energy and joy that is felt is not justified by my horrible camera.



The others wont load. So check it on my facebook page.

Race. An issue in Brazil? (Nao, eu nao uma rasista.)

Brazil has a long list of problems which are discussed on a regular basis (Brazilians are very out spoken) such as: poverty, economy, changes in government, hatred towards the Bush administration and so forth. In my opinion the real issues are found in the problems that no one talks about, such as race.
Don’t get me wrong Brazilians are not racist as defined by historic American culture; it’s a different type of racism that this country faces. Equality is not found easily in this country due to its history with a dictatorship and its “machista” cultural decent. Brazil’s whole population has about 50-60% black and most of that population is below the poverty line. Why?

According to the first lecture given to me about race (second day)by a Wilson Honario da Silva a well known socialist professor at USP, taught me that being liberated from slave-hood didn’t necessarily mean that you had it made. (Brazil was forced to abolish slavery because of capitalism) Nothing was promised to these people and automatically they were without jobs, hence birth of favelas (shanty towns). It’s amazing, when driving from the airport to the hotel, the horrible conditions people live in. Some in boxes right off the side of the street.
Racism is shrugged off as, no it’s because they are poor attitude. Yet when one sees a black man walking down the street in the ‘Beverly Hills” of Sao Paulo he is looked at suspiciously; that is the racism that is seen here. If you ask the regular Paulista if racism exist he or she will look at you like your crazy! It is almost impossible to find a “black” man or woman/ family in the upper middle class of Sao Paulo. For every 100R$ that a white man makes a black woman makes 37.5R$, a significant amount.

This also ties in the question of identity. Who do you consider black? Prieto (mulato)? Or white? When someone calls themselves black it is not looked upon kindly. Why? Being black is associated with being bad, dishonest, dirty ect. And being white is considered the opposite. I’ll be the first one to say it; it is very sad and wrong.
You ask: what happened to civil rights movements? Consider the history, it is no secret that what the US does the world to certain extent follows. During 60’s and 70’s US had major civil rights movements, during this time Brazil was controlled by a dictatorship. They which recognized any organized protest a threat to national security. This entailed the treat of life, and of course the basic need for life is far more important the rights lost.
Sadly this is some of the problems not likely talked about by the majority of the people, other than the crazy socialist and communist of course.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Where I Come From.

So I got to thinking, in order to make this an accurate documentation of my trip I need to show where I come from. So here it is, home sweet home.

In the summers there are beautiful back roads that lead to amazing hiking trails in forgotten mountains. Kind of mysterious when it comes down to it.

This is a picture from one of the trails. Very peaceful.

Sunsets are perhaps the most special gift nature gives us, a masterpiece made everyday for everyone to enjoy. My father took this picture.

This is current, after a foot of snow this is what around my house looks like and it is quite cold. BURR, but it gives a special twist to my little mountain town.

Some more pictures of around my house. Horses, HURRAY!

This is the road to get to my house.

and a tree.