1. Not all people love soccer, as a matter of fact some loath it. (wierd)
2. Hot Dog is pronounced: "hotch dooggy"
3. Rock, like rock n' roll is: hockey, yes hockey.
4. Mac Donalds: "Macky Donal"
5. Pizza is completely different here. They put whole olives on it and sometimes they don't even put tomato sauce. WHAT?
6. They pretty much put and "ee" sound at the end of everything.
7. At school, PUC (pooky) they have in initiation about the same as a faternaty. The difference is that they bathe you in paint and make you begging for money for more beer.
8. Buses and metro are about the most annoying/only way to get around. Taxi drivers know that you are a foreigner and they take the long way home. (they hussle)
9. Feijoadas are on Saturdays, drinks a must. Massa on Sundays, drinks required. (pasta)

10. Brazilians are generally friendly but even more friendly if you have a cute skirt on. (sarcasm.) Due to the machista nature of the culture, guys think that they can "man-handle" you, if your a girl that is. If there is a man by that woman then they have the utmost respect for you.
11. People are not afraid to tell you their political view.
12. Brazilians are sensual not sexual!
13. As a whole (generalizing, not true for all) they will take advantage of any situation.
14. (Generalizing) They apply the law to strangers, yet they forget about the law when it comes to people that can benifit them or thier friends.
15. People are happy and they love the beach.
There are a lot of people who fit into the generalization numbers, yet pessoas são pessoas. (people are people)Brazilian culture is liberal and willing to try anything once, yet this is the case in what I have seen.
gostei do blog :)